Price inquiry / Order form for KAGO contact clamps Would you like to receive a quoteto order Your rail profile(s) * e.g. 36E3/VST36 46E1/SBB 1 49E1/S49 54E1/SBB 3 54E2/SBB 4 54E3/S54 60E1/60E2/UIC60/SBB 6 59R1/59R2/60R1/60R2/62R1/62R2/67R1 Marking clamps KAGO marking clamp type CQ40HVg Desired quantity: 20 pcs50 pcs100 pcs pcs Clamped connectors KAGO contact clamp Type E2 with spring (groove 3/6/7/10 mm)KAGO contact clamp Type E3 with spring (groove 3/5/8/10 mm) Desired quantity: 20 pcs50 pcs100 pcs pcs KAGO contact clamp Type E4 with spring Desired quantity: 20 pcs50 pcs100 pcs pcs KAGO contact clamp Type E5 Desired quantity: 20 pcs50 pcs100 pcs pcs Bolted connectors KAGO contact clamp Type GI10 with tapped thread M10KAGO contact clamp Type GI12 with tapped thread M12 Desired quantity: 20 pcs50 pcs100 pcs pcs This type includes a locking element and a screw (stainless steel). KAGO contact clamp Type EA10 with M10 studKAGO contact clamp Type EA12 with M12 studKAGO contact clamp Type EA16 with M16 stud Desired quantity: 20 pcs50 pcs100 pcs pcs This type includes a re-usable safety nut. KAGO contact clamp Type EI16 with tapped threas M16 Desired quantity: 20 pcs50 pcs100 pcs pcs This type includes a locking element and a screw (stainless steel). Welded railbonds Welded KAGO railbonds Two KAGO contact clamps with high-flex cable and welded connections. Desired quantity: 20 pairs50 pairs100 pairs pairs Cable cross-section: 25 mm²50 mm²70 mm²95 mm²120 mm² mm² Cable length: 150 cm250 cm cm Kabelisolation: transparentblack Bolted railbonds Bolted KAGO railbonds Two KAGO contact clamps with high-flex cable and bolted connections. Desired quantity: 20 pairs50 pairs100 pairs pairs Cable cross-section: 25 mm²50 mm²70 mm²95 mm²120 mm² mm² Cable length: 150 cm250 cm cm Cable isolation color: transparentblack Message Company * Contact name Contact first name Address * Postal code * City * Country * Phone E-mail *